+386(0)1 24 18 420 hidroinstitut@hidroinstitut.si

Hybrid models

Hibridni_model_suh Hibridni_model_Brezice hibridni_2d_karta hibridni_2d hibridni_2d_a hibridni_2d_ortofoto

Hybrid models deal with more demanding problems. They represent a combined employment of physical and numerical models with a goal to exploit their specific advantages as much as possible.

EXAMPLE: hybrid model of a large inundation (this research was a joint project by Institute for Hydraulic Research and Chair of fluid mechanics at UL FGG).


Numerical models

3d_model_vtoka ED hitrost KPN_1 1D_model_Vrhovo 1D obratovalni valovi

Numerical models are 1D, 2D, or 3D simulations of flow, representing a wide field of computational fluid Dynamics (CFD).

EXAMPLES (some of our recent studies):

– 3D: optimization of a small-hydropower-plant intake


– 2D: optimization of a fishway  ED

– 2D: flood-risk maps  KPN_1

– 2D: velocity field downstream of a dam


– 1D: hydropower-plant resevoir and a tributary river during high-water event


– 1D: vawes in supply channel due to operation of a hydropower-plant 1D obratovalni valovi


Hibridni_model_Brezice ED Zapornica KPN_1 Ribja steza 1 Meritve_tlakov_model_vodostana


Hajdrihova 28

1000 Ljubljana


Tel.: +386 01 24 18 420

Fax: +386 01 24 18 433

mail: hidroinstitut@hidroinstitut.si

Director: dr. Tanja Prešeren, civ. eng.

Physical models

Zapornica Ribja steza 1 Disipacijska komora Hibridni_model_suh Model_gradbene_jame_Brezice Vodostan

Physical hydraulic models can be constructed from various materials (concrete, wood, plastics, fiber-glass …), in various scales (from 1:1 to 1:100 and more), they can be vertically distorted (i.e. vertical scale is different from horizontal scale) or not, they can have fixed or movable bed.

Each physical hydraulic model has to confirm to requirements of similarity laws, which in general include similarity of geometry (length, area, volume dimensions), kinematic similarity (time, velocity), and dynamic similarity (force, mass). In most cases hydraulic studies employ Froude’s law (for free-surface flows) and Reynolds’ law (flow under pressure in pipes, flow with large velocity etc.)

EXAMPLES (some of our recent studies):

– cofferdam (during construction of a hydropower plant dam) Model_gradbene_jame_Brezice

– spillways and piersModel_pregrade_Mokrice

– turbine intake Turbinski vtok

– dissipation chamberDisipacijska komora

– Howell-Bunger valveKonicni_ventil

– sideweirbočni preliv

– fishwayRibja steza 1

– pump-storage systemVodostan

– radial gate



In last few years the following companies ordered our studies (in alphabetical order):


Acroni, d.o.o.

Alba, d.o.o.

CINKARNA, Metalurško-kemična industrija Celje, d.d.

DARS, d.d.

Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste

Dravske elektrarne Maribor d.o.o.

DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o.

EKO Ekoinženiring, d.o.o.

Energoplan gradbeno podjetje, d.d.

GEN energija, d.d.

Gorenjske elektrarne, proizvodnja elektrike, d.o.o.

Hidroelektrarne na spodnji Savi, d.o.o.

Holding slovenske elektrarne d.o.o.

HSE Invest, d.o.o.

IBE, d.d., svetovanje, projektiranje  in inženiring

IKEMA, d.o.o.

Inženiring IBT Ljubljana, d.d.

Iskra INVEST Podjetje za inženiring, vzdrževanje in storitve, d.d.

Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS (ARRS)

JP CČN Domžale – Kamnik, d.o.o.

Julon, d.d.

KOSTAK komunalno stavbno podjetje, d.d.

Litostroj Power, d.o.o.

Ljubljanske mlekarne, mlekarska industrija, d.d.

Mestna občina Celje

Mestna občina Ljubljana

Nacionalni laboratorij za zdravje, okolje in hrano Celje

NIVO, gradnje in ekologija, d.d., Celje

Nuklearna elektrarna Krško

Občina Brežice

Občina Črna na Koroškem

Občina Gorenja vas – Poljane

Občina Krško

Pivovarna Union, d.d.

Prealpi, d.o.o.

Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo

Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor

Ribiška družina Novo mesto

Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o.

Soške elektrarne Nova Gorica d.o.o.

TOSAMA d.o.o.

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo

VIPAP VIDEM Krško, d.d.

Vodovod – Kanalizacija javno podjetje d.o.o., Celje

ZEL-EN, razvojni center energetike, d.o.o.